Who is Gengigel suitable for?

For each. Gengigel is an approved drug - follow the instructions on the package.

When to use Gengigel?

For each. Gengigel is an approved drug - follow the instructions on the package.

How long can Gengigel be used?

Gengigel can be used long-term for chronic complaints. However, we recommend that you see a dentist if the problem persists.

Is Gengigel right for me?

No drug interactions or side effects known
Leaves no stains
Children's products are alcohol-free
No artificial coloring
No chemicals that could cause burning of the mucous membranes
Pleasant taste and easy to use
Suitable for diabetics
Also safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Can I use more than one product at the same time?

Yes. All products can be combined with each other. We recommend using Gengigel Rinse as an integral part of your daily dental routine and supplementing it with Gengigel Gel or Spray.

Can I use Gengigel with products that contain chlorhexidine

No, Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic that prevents Gengigel from working.

What is the best way to store Gengigel?

At a temperature between 5 and 40 degrees Celsius.

How long does Gengigel stay on the oral mucosa?

The gel stays on the oral mucosa for about 30 minutes.